
vaser lipo neck

ok, so we're going to do a high definitionliposuction of the pectoral area, the lateral thoracic area, the abdomen and the flanksas described and taught by dr. hoyos. so we'll first infiltrate with tumescent solution.we're going to use a vaser machine to emulsify the fat and then we're going to start withthe liposuction.

vaser lipo mya

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i was coming to the clinic at themarket square i tried to take a taxi then i begin feeling dizziness then i fell. thetaxi driver and a friend brought me to the clinic. he was on the ground, he couldn'tstand up he was so wildly dizzy that he couldn't even stand on his own two feet.with medical mission trips he do more of humanitarian service where you drop indo some surgeries, see patients, which is fantastic work but the difference hereis that we're actually training the local physicians to do these cases. "ifit's not quite comfortable, you're not ready for it go back to what you're comfortable with."there's only about 10 to 20 certified otolaryngologists whole country of about30 million people. some of the physicians, in the manner they've been trained, there arecertain things they don't do. one of those key areas is doing ear surgery.each day that the university of michigan team is here is a learningprocess for me, getting better at ...

vaser lipo men

i had liposuction gynecomastia he sucked all this stuff out it became a real big problem for me about fourth grade then when i grew they grew because i was getting fatter they just came out when i started developing i didn't think that it was going to be, wow i remember the first time i tried a shirt after surgery a couple days later i noticed there was nothing popping out ofit i noticed i had nothing coming out i was so happy i was like alright time to buy some clothes should have got this done a whole long time ago

vaser lipo melbourne

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel star bodies. today we are going to discuss contour irregularitiesafter liposuction. in this channel we discuss everything you need to know to get that star body that you want. welcome back. liposuction is one of the most commonly performedprocedures in cosmetic surgery, and contour irregularities are not as uncommon as you might think. liposuction, in essence, sucks fat in areasthat have excessive fat, but depending on the patient and the level of your skin, amount of skin, and elasticity, it will be the reason of you developing some sort of contour irregularities. the best patients for liposuction are young patients with tight skin and a moderate amount of excessive fat. you need to understand that contour irregularities,many times, are not controlled by the surgeon, although a more talented surgeon can have better results. how your skin reacts and how your skin contoursafter the fat is removed, it depends on d...

vaser lipo manila

humans aging process starts around 35 and become obvious at 40s. during aging; elastic and collagen fibers do not continiue to restore themselves hence our skin start sagging downwards, our fat tissues melt, and our face start to wrinkle. today i will talk about madonna face lift which is a laser assisted face rejuvenation. this procedure was first applied to madonna around the eyes and when you look at the before and after photos of madonna the effects of this procedure is obviously noticeable. during this procedure we do not use any kind of anesthesia or narcosis and there is no need for hospitalization the patient can walk in, have the laser face rejuvenation procedure done and walk away home on the very same day. for the following 2 days after the procedure, it is normal to have erythema and on the 3rd day the patient can put on make-up and continiue with her regular life. the biggest advantage of this procedure, especially with women patients is that they can continue thei...

vaser lipo manchester

before the procedure begins sophie is lightly sedated-. this means that she will remain awake during the procedure, but she will be calm and relaxed.we then inject local anaesthetic to numb the area that we are going to treat. this waythe patient should feel no pain during surgery â the fat is then liquefied with a vaser probe. the technology used is ultrasound energy,which targets the fat cells and causes them to break up so that they are easily removed.the surrounding nerves and blood vessels are not damaged making the recovery process mucheasier. the local anaesthetic has now taken affectand sophie does not feel much except mild tugging. with the conscious sedation she isable to talk to us during the procedure. the liquefied fat is then extracted usinga tiny cannula with gentle suction process into a sterile system. â during this suctioningprocess the treatment areas are contoured for a natural result. the fat is cleaned and washed leaving us withsophie’s pure fat. the fat i...