vaser lipo michigan
i was coming to the clinic at themarket square i tried to take a taxi then i begin feeling dizziness then i fell. thetaxi driver and a friend brought me to the clinic. he was on the ground, he couldn'tstand up he was so wildly dizzy that he couldn't even stand on his own two feet.with medical mission trips he do more of humanitarian service where you drop indo some surgeries, see patients, which is fantastic work but the difference hereis that we're actually training the local physicians to do these cases. "ifit's not quite comfortable, you're not ready for it go back to what you're comfortable with."there's only about 10 to 20 certified otolaryngologists whole country of about30 million people. some of the physicians,
in the manner they've been trained, there arecertain things they don't do. one of those key areas is doing ear surgery.each day that the university of michigan team is here is a learningprocess for me, getting better at what you are doing and then learning newthings. "what if you lay down?" "if i lay down on this ear, i feel normal." so, john the patient who'ssuffering from severe vertigo who would repeatedly come to the clinic seekinghelp local doctors here basically limited on what they could do, but theythought, and astutely, maybe he had a disease called meniere's disease whichis an inner ear fluid problem. my hope for this collaboration is that we acquiremore skill to be able to pass on to
people that we train. i learned a lotfrom practicing physicians here in ghana their diagnostic skills are quiteamazing. we've become in the united states anyway much more dependenton technology in order to make a diagnosis i've learned how to be abetter diagnostician a little less reliant on technology. "was the tinnitus really loud... it would go up and down?"because he had no usable hearing and he's having these severe attacks causing falls, wemade a decision that the best thing for him was a surgical ablation of the innerear and hopefully once he gets through the surgery and recovers he won't havethis problem any more and he can get back to his
life. i'm just praying that god come and intervene so that after the surgery i'll be able to get back to work. surgery went as expected we had a greatteam composed of partially u of m and the kath hospital folks... he's recovering nicely. it'sincredibly satisfying to be able to intervene on a problem that has derailedsomeone's life... also it's equally satisfying is to train the doctors here that wouldeventually see these patients so that they can do that for themselves you know for the people here in ghana... so,incredibly satisfying.
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