vaser lipo zdjecia

vaser lipo zdjecia

from development program remember the riogrande deal company knowingly going online and on our blogand want to be thirty-six regarding the murder and suicide and nineteen twentynine cell grand avenue independent bye g two g or anybody thatyou miller para in the city campus office we find url crawford

chief chemist working over his cubes and reports he turned to his co-worker with ascience that section record goes i think we're working on by canceling lives very mysterious catherine ever since the city's art of buying agasoline and then we had to report to brenda archive remote prison than ever beleaguered right after the bar anddevelop more power records are getting

greta mileage per gallon than everbefore we're using rio grande e crack gasoline now and also because i've read that god now it's gone so much comment about yourallies and they're going to crack and tell them i moved up in some way orthe find the secret of its own version reform icy it does contain paragraphuh... warheads but other guys i mean that that that will do nowadays a career and outstandingperformance refining process it's cracked into a tiny molecules

into other madam obviously by a patent process for i'venever seen any other governments are finally cracked i wanted so much faster than othergovernment cracking process of the reason why weare going to cut government gives greater speed powered by image thanother get the radio show main i'm going to use reinventing fact in myown car i see now way more police cars fireengines and then it is a matter of urgency equipment are powered by realcan be corrected to mean wherever it is

seldom any other time and now it is our pleasure to presentcaptain burt wallace head of the homicide squad of the losangeles police department at the moment remain friends tonight you will hear dramatize thestory of a perfect crime which like all perfect crimes was alittle imperfect it because we made plans of the kremlinworked perhaps he would have escaped

but there seems to be some truth in thebelief that there is a loft compensation i have in my years of experience inpolice work never known the case where a man brokethe laws of society but he was not eventually make thepapers must be you can break every law but the lawcompensation and in the end it delivers you up for anaccounting with the society you about raged a

celebrating the caitlin loveland demand all right uh... hai dash handicapped apple ipod d

project cattleman matt it and but the matter k the contract ho if you've got a call on on thosemanuscript midsummer smoke out policy which started this year intake

bio you know that this problem over the place looks like we've got morethan a little time what the government food looked like it might have been a bit ofa sudden it was a bit probably about the advent of power couldhappen i plan to keep away from a bio wouldn't retreat i don't think this pilot had anything tosay in a manner

there's next monroe remain you mean somebody killed the booththat's what it looks like putting with don't make sense made in israel look at this moment scholars managed right i can tell anything about the man to run led to an autopsy shows whether he waskilled an awful productivity

and read the terms of medical care we found something that you increaseyour voice relevant uh... data i don't think so woman scotland smacks of something article about the man or at

it month abuse can we get the job thatwas before we move them indelible pointed out that they can comein now at about this police photographs are taken to thegrisly discovery and the body's removed the marlboro ma tops and in the burned apartment veteranpatent surrounded by reporters fireman walked into the apartment house begin onthe new investigation uh... arrival a decade but did not get the tax railroadit guys can't add anything yet but it looks like a better job back

analyst with humana mastermind of thebed granted but still back but by cannot about that panel do there then we can get work done and tend to get in the bangor frenchmenliving now mom six that

bigoted with a lot of things here that don'tmake sense character and that managed to member one out of the past that it is that a magical that havoc bernard in addition to that under the bed bunch of water that they prepare for it for that matter

medicated included one of the unit anyone the devil in the obama as a delegate tothe destiny take a look for yourself role and instead of iran and i think it is bad news is that uh...double-murder and this walk is wired into the either or goto the second time in a minute and we're

contacting spectator and that he didthat to the paper brennan command accepting that we don't know who did it right well if you look around you and ithink i like within a few of the people in the building okay let bus ticketflattening out the government is about right there but is that interests you thing todo anything and i know that you get a big blackmagic your questions pan that neil

but c_n_n_ prop mining olive directlyinto the barber department but did you hear anything last night that might haveany bearing on their i heard some noise of stairs abandon our troops from wellit might have been a scream and then something fell to the floor what time was that paul was somewherearound eight thirty in the student because i remember listening to radioprogram under the amount of say it was a thirty and when i was there anything like that yes

but he did what's your name gramps atwood group unglued wrote next to mister problems with the reported that there were some of thediscriminative and she said i haven't been woohoo and only can't give approval which didso good

anywhere you go to i didn't give it more difficult to dealwith israel if i didn't think much about it either or even comic mosser pup tent party i heard someone movingaround up there in the apartment not about twelve annoys stopped anotherdepartment making the noise and gone to bed so i want to sleep an initial seven productivity the truth michigan to think i should have donesomething but i didn't

and does not sure enough suspicious than the standard i woke up about four thirty and i heardwhat sounded like someone warning of paper upstairs struck me is kinda funny but i don't think there's anything sothere's sort of a scintilla stockman went back to sleep is that the lastthing you heard and woke up this morning yes sir partial credit required so many youngpeople and i got about the building is

burning down well we're going to turn in the parallelbehind it but it's almost like on the market must be cut opening up about sixo'clock this morning i saw a small coming up on that one of the bible there placard that one woke up everybody inthe pot not bummed out thing it was the original yet another ten minutes thewhole place with a burning devoted return at that news outside says hewants to see rollback i'm glad that you did not go let let letit go

i want to ask more particularly by thecontinuity i was just wondering records indicate that people here storebut there's two grand vertical twelve dash around i wasn't but do not use booker bloomberg newsroom the list of the people who work for mrbarbour there's a lot of good gin yeah remains in my book tocqueville and planon and i think he depends yeah with that in a decade we listen to thewhole thing but didn't make another

month to investigate in immediately that you might have not gramm finished yet there's still a couple of people inthere and pleasant distally okay decided that that networking interviewquestions asking people many people and i don't want anything anybody thatmight have had a grudge against the muggers anyone who didn't like them i don'tthink there was anybody didn't like him

there was a really nice compliment there was always so ka and everybody and especially have bad young fellowcollector mr barbour preaching at my grandson but then wyatt young man who used to help mearound the place here what's his name i don't know he's last name according to play driven around her neck for sure

usually around all the time just likeone of the family repeat that will begin uh... you don't think you can if youcan't why do you wish via so use it well i think it's a bit of the federalgovernment too deborah would that be a candidate i don't know imean everything that's been but he wouldn't do it in nineteen eightyfour course meal

we're going back to headquarters making the remains of the european unionhas time to talk and thought the headquarters veteran pat report tocouple moments and the homicide squad uh... is is that we picked up by thedepartment government although they didn't get to that bruceweir not known to me about what it what doesit make this work or have something to go on incidently the coroner's report showsthat both the bodies of the metal met

with some heavy objects on behalf of jonathan also said that they are definitely outwe're looking for a smart mater argumentative federal event or aboutmight know something it doesn't seem very likely momentum undisclosed timedealing with my mom what is your money well as many yet but i'm still by the governmentthroughout his address shenzhen limits but we found

forces may not be the right fred but without out of it up and anything you want to get the mergerwould form the political go ahead vicious jokers abuse this given in the book the twodetectives bind at the man known as friends dot no result the problem is where they learn we're sure ankle through the fit verywell speak to a malaysian that's about all

particular strictly for money the way itwas a p_h_d_ team goes a little nervous hardly even notice me when i said hello remember that it's just me contender forthe above its current about but there's no adequate you get to sleep and returnto warm direction it out here on the poortraditional until pretty late it was about one thirty when i went to bed and step dad hadn't come on get wasbetter than usual little when it was the first time i canremember that he was absolutely but then you know

in the morning i will go up about sixforty five and looked out you know which is comingfrom the hull now i ask you what we have each doubt st polished budget in the back but anyway what i was looking out thewindow at the door open he comes out of his house he walked with god i thought he was leaving early but hedidn't leave wanted to do with group he looked around to show he's afraidsomeone might see him and many reached an intelligent stepinto the back of the kind of good in the

mountains some stuff wishing that i couldn't see just what itlooked but later he started plan of thebackyard and prevention i don't really do do anything wrong hedge pretty surelooked like might have the masterminded he got his car and drove away actually less time received lined up with the group holocaust new mothers kill any money butyou told us running about are being asked

unsure important will show you wanted toknow what you can crash may do it among many but usually program thatprecious but i'd like to say what it was so anxiousto get rid of detective can advance bolted inundated with their neighbors today again aircraft from might be stratton oakmont

around us and we can see younger looks like he's going to come right inthe store just a minute point of view where the bomb indicated yes unanimously stepped into the address chinese for you detectives

one escaping fortunes room reminder for the court house for aminute let it be right back wall would probably be from component curriculum referendum reaction from them sometime reportedcreek and get on the edge quadratic you know that met with an accident have been murdered in fact you confirmed that it is not possibleoccurred not only part of a report there

was a great or from the record andbrandon their private this morning we wondered what do you know but admirably repeatedly predominant grand worry less about that oregon but we can motion about ten thirty norm

driving around from written thing it would be better can you you're not trying to say that i haven'tbeen doing wicked record it but then the virus dentistry ticklish because you're not going to have youknow we were murdered there implement problem regarding a broker toget the watch that liberty remarks on that one hundred problem and literally insane it goes

your paper can recover surroundedforward you would be a big hit with brando program wanted to find though important thebrian this morning statement inmate bacteria and then because interest some precedent otherwise you'd better come down to thestation with their restricting questioning

it what i remember and wandering aroundbut replacement remember people requesting right there pretend that waterboarding back therewhere you were you know we were told to at one thirty went over to my girlfriend sugar program energy program retirement returned to bill clinton you didn't go anywhere nearby recruiting nobody nobody would presidentundisturbed

neuberger berman running ever worked in the watchmen organic material the streets businesses with whom they could findwhat is bridge movement there is a vote on it repertoire bill i've got to do with me you're talking about budgets for olderat the time

broken water for industry for saying that the speaking of watches let me know that oneway other until this morning another one i mean retina drawer and there is is that they are beingdiscovered meeting that would be a good day that the government dharwad brokered reminded then refer to our yes there

seen anything like it before there a dollar and missing directed to goahead including the printed word on theprogram soul anointed him away from them right in the rhythm natasha preferring to side of the people of oregon

it was with that but i think the key tothe by reporting right and that the impact and it was wired up so that would be afew minutes that and making your own at the back the rwandan error here have never been a drawerbecause i'm sure the product range from and getting pretty excited over actually i'm not sure but if you are doing a girlfriend aboutfred

it had to do that and i can't rememberfrom last night and or was i a mistake last night yes to cover an argument brick never got the men who read this article identified her good luck with yourpremise right all right doesn't really matter look that bad girl at the lowinventories record photograph i read your own nevermindmaybe he'd be more willing to cooperate with an attack recorded informationthat's currently remember about what you

think about it either barrister want that when you don't knowwhat is not adequate recommend ordering for the without everagree with you if you're if you're interested there were a grandparent or reading return where where little workshop instead where there areat work

recruiter about having right now but that the letter well is that correct i get this network is keeping aroundthere are no longer jim reidtemple indigo that the that you brought me worry aboutthat it up at the white yet never seen before reported about your work at the site

and you know what is going up at lunch but hundreds of doctors like that activeor their hundreds of but advisor and that they have to live in or repair and your bread and butteror out here about that cut myself if you're just going to go through threealright if that works better the governor for tourism in the worldreview your recant i did not do it captive

when it was in the newspaper we've gotthe party formatting met watch that occur but feel proud of that bloodprivately about in your backyard with public and your contact kathleen usersof the part that was before you get back now can be met repair work hushed up content but i can't stand it that uh... that blood recommended themore questions democratic

fool regarding women migratory briefly did not want to get into distributoroctober bridge respond recruiter recruiter corporate orchid referal happy birthday controversy here

our shop crack open your and neck captain yorksquawking if you could have p education is world right here ever huh one

hand-written idea too one hundred and recuperating front page the greenpeace repairing measuring ribbon-cutting market activity six-pack in background and dr

angelina cricket thinking dark i ve been thinkingabout running pretty pink fresh all out candidate try to get back at the stationcap with much talked about you would not dowithout your troops action discovery i think it's great capable of doing what should she workedon now if we're using xc working hard

docu it wouldn't be able to attend midnight how shin darkening if you listen to you anymore and whether or not it it wouldn't probe it would not be grateful dead with them bookclub six-foot v

rent room repeated and and i've been back in the bodies intobed ready to be not to pay for it and put itto the heat which talked for an interview turned on important testified remembered itimproves probably watch recommended that you get older for the government records neutral kill these people were ordered out of it picture because i did not know whatthey're up to

dramatically thank you the care the then fred standard was tried and foundguilty of murder two counts of burglary and one count ofarson he was sentenced to life imprisonmentbut after alienist had checked his family case history and home with hismother in law who were both confined in an insane asylum in switzerland and thatis brother was a sufferer from epilepsy the judge incentives in this man madethe positive injunction that in the event that status should become insanethat he be sent to the state insane

asylum an immediate left upon hisrecovery should be returned to the state prison upon examination doctors found stabbed her to be notcriminally insane but mentally unbalanced will not be greedy and so when is the story of the almostperfect crime and standards will get it done offbefore the gasoline added that return the entire room what on that we haveburned eliminating the important clues thatstarted the investigation

but his mistake was not in figuring histime writing he set the match reset the watch to blowup in an hour and for god that gasoline evaporates inmuch less time so we were able to put this color safelybehind the bars thank you wallace ladies and gentlemen tonight and tomorrow thousands of calling all cars plans willgo to our neighborhood rio grande at the door and ask for a free copy of thelatest calling all cars needs at your property

and read about the fourteen free giftsfor boys and girls given away by real grounded to users of cracked gasoline the same gasoline specified for policeand emergency card to the west largest cities and counties if you are you have cracked up to me andyou were already enjoying police car performance in your own car balance of thrill to test the greaterspeed and power but got me individual remember your mother needs perfectimplication at high speeds most motor oils breakdown to speed up

especially hot weather we urge you to protect your moredribbles feed to assume claire motorola there are special refined removed wasteproduct such as what delhi finished was part ofmost motor oils but if so could be used up in your carleaving carbon and gum a deposit you shouldn't play a more broadly yourgrandkids you're guaranteed perfect motorlubrication under all conditions and a top speed a motion at least calling on colleges allby the cancellation broadcast one of the

thirty six magnetism and energy and mention this is your narrator establishments having a good night for the rio grande oil companies call a mall cop copyrighted programscreated by the real problem we'll cover that or because there was a brief calling allcars

watergate but it would work with thepatient while waiting despite the forty white-haired medium like wearing green dress alleged on hold not at all ever that that was put on hold for thediscounted by real ground approx athletes you also know that many many cities andcounties provided upon request fittipaldi more policemen but youprobably have a plan everywhere it's

over probably don't know what a differencebetween government mobile home park vertical w copper phone who realized this is not just inadvertising for it what can we do do intend to use the samedeafening the police emergency got us remind you of the field democratcosts no more than other part of the government company operating records proveconclusively but the delivers more mpg

but more probably definitely you've got me to speak for your call people who go wheelabrator power and thebook promote it will be cooler more efficient and you'll be less vibration but it was an opportunity to prove allspeaker driving behavior from the station governing

you agree that the where older people amount is our pleasure to present thesheriff of san francisco company who will speak to you open the studiostation k_ a party in san francisco cherub murphy good evening if ever a criminal case proven that crime does not pay the one you are about to hear does the guilty ones are still serving a lifetime sentences

behind the thick gray walls of sanquentin prison i particularly remember this crime because i was acquainted with one of therelatives of the victim who was an old man living by himself injuring no-one engaged in the peace will push you uh... rating boats and selling them out for up theirlivelihood

the criminals did not obtain a singlesent from him thought he had no money but listen to how it happened the just a few miles outside the bustlinglots of people the never-ending streams of nor thepublic apartment buildings that make up theharbor city san francisco by the small sloping valley although today to become a privatelittle community

upon this case occurred at the start ofthe room there but finding some big check uninhabitable for but you can go to it was here in one of the tumbled onhouses but i can almost daily lives the beatles his nearest neighbor somethree hundred yards away nearly seventy years old marco tosupport himself but there were no who just called her to build serbianprovince about it into the occasional tourists who happen to stop in and refreshthemselves before continuing their

journey one morning in sept dot com it wasturned into a scapegoat when he has a car approaching defeated stopping by this place these two men in the bill get out and authority abap goodnight fresh goat's milk orlando proposal of a two-thirds votebut they were overthrown registered

under control i think it is just great as you know that uh... university student groups welcome thei'd like to try it what what their political lives i'm i'm afraid he was able to find aportion of your up here exits etc it was a fire represent maybe she's just aren'twell-known not all right thank you

about people who haven't learned aboutthem i've got the mail or drug it's easy toget it differently articulate and forwarded heeded the call into question five pgs exposed and the pope at thattime as a budget that i think is that billyou've got hidden around here portugal you're unemployed demonic when noriega funny and where to relieve the other

whitewater but the respect capital oneand are retarded is important that we haven't had a lot of other let them know you've got uh... thousanddollars in cash in on the stump the also concept and i'm not leaving until i getup there about eight hundred battery on that one of the at that point and tell uswhat it did not do we have to get tapi di oh analyst mildly silly kicked in the middle class i'mexpecting a lot of money but that won't work with them out

chap could not make the filled by that talkabout the break a rainbow and i think it might without the president it took my daughter my colleaguesunemployed we're himani horrified i'll show you a little bit habitat demanded high salary peacock and dot com not thing

not what is going to it demonic vicapthe dot faced with a health bill not get this place up pot that those around here somewhere then picked up any comment which stock that you had a bad however the problem but instead all we'll op

about all or i can probably at a time what exactly are you know willful well sexual or whatever i'd go ahead apple willful awful all the product or provided awful off

alright used a lot better and don't touch anything understand onto for another one when a man without it is addressed rightaway fill a void to stand by the guide that they given a parking lot i'll be out there but my mail by the time attention a bicycle shop eminent who had already taken theunconscious but still the most of the

hospital but cannot deputy district attorney whatare some of the book the hospital and question the victim then settles down to investigation ofthe fact armadillos you approach to discover the elaborate support you're talking about just whathappened i think i handle welcome him

everyday for almost a year so that they aren't came over to getsome funding pathways fall victim chris ultimately yes of course i know i think particularly a mis-trial one twenty idea who might have done this acceptable thing to be any people for it

although it probably one of the mostprominent people i've ever known he couldn't have any and i think youknow and yet someone beat them up that doesn't quite jive doesn't i don'tknow oecologia likeness i want to go they want forty or we get some rest look as thoughyou may get some thank you karen well i think nothing of it it was well known thanks for the help

regarding the payment but there's awoman here say she know something about we want to talk to where settlers writer that this is lieutenant began last hecontracted you just tell him what candle well act i don't know that it had anything to dowith all the really but yesterday and the late afternoonsometime i think i've come up unpack i cannot house real flow and then a fewminutes later a comeback by again and alabama i can't be explained bateman goon there with a couple yucky and and uh...annabel a pretty kelsey while to right

would make you think they're going to dowith that although they were back in funny like can i don't write back and outplacementtalking among themselves than a fictitious to me can you give mea result of a description of them ran made retracted day to go ahead onthe bright green grass and she had black hair very black andyou don't have anything about the cause treatment is not one month in another it had white as though i remember thatwide tires pardon me a moment

profile of a phone call that work delegate article also recall whatwhitewater also grow with black hair wearing abright green red mega practice also i have every colorado by somecontact africa rocket if liberals do stick around herequestion everybody will ultimately a report to make im go to a hospital in city hall and gps

and at the hospital detective with theagain plunged into the schiller of the bed bythe board that carmel most of them it is obvious the old man has only a fewhours of lifeless ako animate uh... you know that a divided adequate likable partners critical areas

a really good to have to tell me tell me who it was personally for business but i don't growthorbit ordered collective breath for predator greater read the book that wall

do you think that the other hand mcbride the ride worked or you could remember if mike trabajomay not know i'd rather talk to me was that i got up here so far it doesn't know anything but mumabout money and go to a yeah i heard provide well pablo could get better therapy

no reading about it school which is not going out we want to help you prepared then secretary really worked hard to you've got the better miracle

here but what i have been several and the people i talk to what they get adescription of a pretty good i want to win around the place today kahan okay i'm going to outlookrecovered what kind of driven by program i'm not going to bring gripes all that day with a look at the end ofthe little mermaid thrown broad you privately people are tired out but one of thebottom up

but no president can be found the following morning that found almoston a diet having given over the course of theability of israel but in terms of more determination thanever for the past pocketing the car last two days after the murder heopposes the fifteen th level place for the day addresses the manager in the money was placed either partygenerous country not exactly a m looking for a collado

ka where what time it my parents i mean here on friday i sleep so i have justpicking you have what what what does your line up and this is still going tobe true that or i was just thinking out loud i'd like to editors was out effective adela padilla was that was astrong belief the policeman said over the bag and a policeman suggesting ahistory of aquatic i don't know what you're going to lookat what i really want to know the name ofthe people who were last winter that

probably what drives and i think it was showed that he he i got a bucket of mybooks on at least you now would have any idea about the and itmight have been out yeah i think so just before the length of time two days ago i will be the second photos are on the second of this monthpuro voters

demonstrated that the internet shipping about getting out september second that's a kind regards their history it was optimistic and wanted to go out wait a minute therapy is underpriced mindshare with mongering and john casick well yeah i remember them now

they would have been a very difficult atall about money big but with that roadways to giving you some money thathe could do it but they didn't but it never open getting them to change you got their addresses there yeah right here in the brake on primegood figures book what makes it might beimportant but the government is not don't worry we have a good government economic back at some of them for whatit's like right now i needed more than usual

returning to resolve those with him upthe battle creek mi c and taking two offices within forty twopoints to the address given by the refund green lately illegally couples for standby in case well apart surrender but only after taking a ride with usarea which is all about plays out of my

time but probably the best part of charlesespecially now that taken aboard pad a few minutes later another outcorrectly we're talking your cover last unless she found outabout a have elected all of us for your phone calls and i think but if you're interested i reckon you want a special by thatmatter

actually whatever that you're back or come on get blown taking the protesting counterproductiveacademic office like in katmandu involvement hand of government to memphis reporting and then spent the night of spring intothe myth that request door but we got there about what they aremandatory i'd like to know at the bottom they put in baltimore

but everyone else together on that well i don't think so important to point out what we know more about all this and i thinkwidow template of the juliet and anything other than in others that level of anybody like nearly over i have to tell the truth about what myfeeling is that true

or a quick break up again in order that's why were you looking at the topof the second right don't remember they've got to refresh your memory forit everything that book before yeah she said no about your trip back tomanaging editor earlier lead story i'd like to think about it simply thefact that broken i recommend it as well as a rabbit

and what you get that falls hello you began to remember it well andi didn't say that i see a closet lecture on air up yourself i actually i had seen this before aladdin recommended at first how aboutyour material i remember that some of the colorado players inadequate follow one another

whether you're going to take a look atthe car we discover that the deck didn't go anywhere particular finger ontop of the debate about whether candidate and i think that you don't think so which are not awareof crack addicts better than rather well in length for the elderly like gender don't tell me a forgotten that joe

yes certainly have a pretty bad memory how much you marianne your love of the other way alright quite alright but when and where there were no matter whatare we all about but i don't give up different that make the way that haven'tbeen with us with into anything wrong course within it it worked

like getting places what is available at somebody economicdevelopment as well she was just outright what is happening right now what issue it alanna lakin three separate moreapartment thanks what you want to go back to sell thelack of development and while you know that they get over it lately but by the time and i cannotremember a little more about this

but upon arriving at the panamamechanism a bad elderly woman who says she is the girl's mother approval to operate a reliable sheehan uh... als evisitor living here in the life love it difficult to find them could youtell me what i would find it i'm afraid i can't you see even told me she wanted to visita friend of players who lives in la

fuente one of the day two days ago sheep accept them all i don't know exactly where she's stayingdown there dingy give you any idea where you can reach any foreign address rather than she mutual fund account apartment but i couldn't say pre-show weddingthat's where she is enough

of what you think you want him onnothing important men just want to talk to a level accusatory because when i get older thatthe way particular baggett i thank you michael anyhow you're quitewelcome pontiac and i'll buy you want to go to hold it was nothing important reallydon't get another thought if you're right you're right a lot just jot down our address in my viewi'll come back to see a letter

with a vampire asx homicide wildlife thankfully please change someone whitehall apartments york today to pick up where deflection black hair wearing green dress

is uh... wanted in connection withmurder older notify vish department again homework uh... department upon receipt of this message is intendedto come up with the los angeles police in common with a lot of the republic onefor the apartment house interview the landlady discover the counterfeit and yet younggirl with black hair climbing the stairs effective stop themfrom one of the boards

and full pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop policemen open the door lol here the part of the residence ever get thing what is that right local blackness you know if you want to keep you updated on didn't healed more policemen

with regard to come into this mess general restore rescue for the sanfrancisco please and then anything can toward men we cantalk about it later right now we're in a kind of a very and math argue if you're going to comealong to miss as a matter of formality of course forway captain corporate clients let's go next eight years in the san franciscoand turned over to the kind of again

and again buys to the weight of a womanquestions are in his office retaliated there are just a few things i want totalk to you about was allowed to approach where i justwon't take long the first place logical other ideas live long at one of the capitan there for a visitfrom one parent nothing but a good time to do what

whatever putting in a time when itbefore before i want to follow it up numberthat i do about it i don't know what you're talking about let me tell you about it deliberate for a story is the final home and story could be found himself got beaten with a club but i didn't havea whole lot of fun and it wasn't broken concrete not a very pretty pictureinnovative

it's hard what i would say there's no but itdoesn't tell me exactly what happened out there that day and completed complete with them but that wouldn't wouldn't it be andwhat happened expedient debate kept asking him to make money with him

i don't think that treatment you talked about a dozen caught it so i have to say that in front of them think of what they did theme uh... can help uh... everything armed with a confession of a problem forthe people testify in court but involvement of a problem for me becausei want

but two of them spend dollars preparinga foolproof case against mongering compact i don't think that we can slip up on thesolemn for through and i know it's perfect i don't take any chances i've had to run a provocation sundayblowup in workplace when something slippery mob before a lot of strings at the same thing that mummy reunitedwith him at those two things that i was black

that's why i don't want to tell aboutthe growth compression and might be able to bring up some storybetween now and the time to go to trial you mean you want her friend making the whole dayexactly willing to do is as much evidenceagainst them but we can from various witnesses and such unveiling photographwhen i get it you've got a conviction practically ineurope and the whole it all depends on your return to court love one another problem there

climbed up the detective well don't worry with a case like thisbut i can't move monday investigate for pupils court in san francisco the trial begin in a study line the witnesses are swornin that testimony given birds come the milkman instead killerconcentrate on my studies show that morning but i didn't think that the other

not but i think we'll stop by that by some got help from your web if idon't know what was going on that issue i stopped them indicate that yourlifetime next witnesses apprentice are concerned academic track record what happenedovernight but it didn't before the lab from other witnesses overbuildingone like bonanza robert novak and then they one afternoon after threedays of the trial process mollen places

final cut act like the quality of life receded watches usually try to tell the truth the wholecould not about to pick up is that what's your photography wasn't came up to i don't know acquired in your own words exactly what happened and i kind ofmichael about the morning but

done it in fact and mandarin and i don'thave the old man pal we were going to happen but i did not ever going to be anyviolence i thought they were japanese rocket anddemand apart she does when she is through there is no doubtmatures mind what critics bringin opera on the fifteen minutes a returnwith a verdict of guilty a recommendation for leniency for thegirls another result the following day just afew cobra mountains that

that mainstream vendors extending face the court before i pass judgment on you i doanything to say that wasn't enough good ready when you have been found guilty of firstdegree murder unfortunately the memories of the juryadmitted impossible for me to give you the signature of this error however i attended over the next best i think you said

and penetrating all-america ecommerce domain icici do to make the imprisonment in the state penitentiary a few days later he took off because given the kinds of ten yearssuspended and put on probation that's critical explaining his actionsby saying interning status that's fairly testimony was instrumentalin convicting the actual figure

also it has never been shown in that hewas in any way connected with the murder although she was a party to theattempted robbery therefore i feel of the long-termprobation would serve a much better purpose the nativity calling all carpet bite every boy andgirl who joined the junior police department we offer you a complete detective outfit deathbed or mother one of your neighborsdescribed in your neighborhood we opened

this week ask for your free copy of the callingall cars news and learn all about real bad news for pain free gift your great deal do you believe the boysand girls would listen to this program you have induced your poems by realdemocrat and hundreds of letters testified to theunusual distinctive qualities of this got me all we ask is that you give me open tocrack the fair trial

we are confident that your car willdevelop greater speed and power to get a new free a lot of real brenda's policecar perform at another big value at all the ofmember station another school term abroad when you get your next cranky springgive your we are going to do the job you repeal the single-player motor oilfrom refinery feel cams and you put the discovery of motor runs smoother cooler but you need seldom add another four but because all the impurities areremoved from this incredible hulk

those element of cold cough anddeveloper val runaways elite in hot water is arealready extracted from civil camelot leaving only a pure royal that gives you more miles free moneythan ever before corridor because i wasn't afraid goinglol cause translator broadcast one three seven registration covered audible astronomical but they couldn't they'rehaving a good night

calling all of my own copyright admiraldr greeted with a real problem with the oil company was on the police going on for anational guard broadcast wanted thirty-eight regarding memorable murder lead five feet seven inches weight aboutone hundred fifty balloons management or simply cross-eyed nodule rolls around and covering the material for tonight'sbroadcast the writer interviewed officers of thepolice department one of the oldest police car driversvolunteered the story

and let you know i know about this case uh... you know a lot to rio grande e of course you know we use your crackedgasoline anopheles cut no pool in your gut great actually we've tried them all the detected riogrande e cracked when you got to start your engines goanother route i let me tell you a little experience one night we were cruising around us alittle as possible and i hear but all of a sudden a conference aroundthe corner at top speed headed right for

us driver couldn't step led lights mashup sure but i slammed down the problem at ourschedule classes we kept it in front of a speedy trial byanxious for half a block then the pilots and on a side street andtry to make a getaway we had a lovely around the block we kind of tolerance it detractsgasoline we caught up with the spiritual books

rio grande that gets the credit foremergency performance and sailors from a smash up ambrose speeding dangerous piece is thateveryone does it more police cars fire engines ambulances another emergencyequipment or powered by real brenda cracked happening wherever that's all and an eighth other brand in your own cough once more the da pleasure to presentcaptain lindbergh wallace grieving friends

one of the most fascinating aspects ofpolice work is the model for crimes committed by nonprofessional criminals these rains all the way from being seenjealousies of crimes of passion tumor where fearful to trigger begun to this category of non-professionalcrimes belongs the case you are about to hear the mode of lay hidden in the delusionsof grandeur upon which the circumscribe people all the murder the murders committed was notpremeditated

but he was never the less a dangerousman for what is carefully nurtured eagle became the object of ridicule hemurdered is all the to frequent cases of thistype which demand it or police officer to be a practical psychologist as well as a good shot and fingerprintexpert earlier one february evening in nineteenthirty accross the copay forgotten probablewhitewashed or the corner of the things we can grow without a new one more timewith dream and climb out

spending public conversation with her whoever got the jitters whose businessis good meal covered with goose pimples yahoo market well that's all the sametupelohall beltway went through it no mention won't come along with it and why don't you i'd like to wouldabout things to do suddenly ok they carousel follow fell apart seems like a nice guy embedded in a play

if they're going to think it's all right curator say that you're going to think we're acouple more got there at a bank isn't willing to look up the lawyers aboutspeaking and crap games in this town journey to get picked up don't worry youwon't get into any trouble i don't know that that that and i knowthat yet and i'm not their property every time i feel a little creek appearssomething with that isn't around and they were killed in boulder britain fromalright

layout that the lapd near the end of the depth of it you don't make them what's up guys sketch maybe alone and we waiting for let's goback recog do something was going to havemore children yes worker duma weapon for mr jonesoriginal alone second over with barbara jordan

or a uh... moral first network thing unless i want totalk to murphy which one you perfectly notion injured i don't think that's when i am i thoughtpossible drug czar i said programs i've got a gun burnt okay well about it we'll look at the sky zac brown but there's a trustee curtain at thesite of a partnership television

broadened was maybe she was under kochar usually don't which i am soi'll put that trial and data before i slept there let's look to jimmy mightmean white nothing but i think i couldn't get it wouldn't hurt helped him all others are doing havent we don't know what doctor robertdon't wait you would out probably long appalled but but butbut don't be offended barton still smoking gun in his hand

stranger who would at the bottom of thein less than a few minutes before it is across the street to find the two mensitting on the running border guard but more importantly stomach america despite his involvement and andand and lapses into a coma from which he emerges several moments later he turned to the left estimates because of course thursday dead very with an m

i can spend as much more berliners thora a minute went back to our border it yeah i get a storehouse prorate electroyou're guilty verdict logical don't know ways are volatility barely hit thatnight

in the here but i actually got a pullout third-largest between eating hospital the two men are operated on thepolitical move from their bodies and a few minutes later the bennett letthe games head of the gangsters lot in common with captain blames feedquestions then alluded to interfere with the slogan stomach lotsof good ideas i don't know

about juku in tokyo japan and bristled before right was important that moment you're trying to claim uponus peacock was the old friends all we want to do is find out who'sbehind this understandable it just depends dildos their heads up did you do it lake hayes demonstrategood skier when one of us and the guy

into follows an old with the doctor hyatt this probably means that the need forboth of them legend joe listing options naked land as a butcher he's been out of work but no hijacking erin my

i rent a room in october sixteen twentyfive twenty two st if you don't believe me or bank check up on or equipment supposing we believe you've eloquently about the good at it well i know it's he still cockeyed nobody taking search i didn't look what happened but i'll tell you this much

ideologues and then if i ever saw himagain you've got the cockeyed best-looking guyyou can find and sees it and while the search for a cockeyedbellman begins lou officers combing the republican district binder chevrolet copay barked a blockaway from the scene of the shooting bearing the registration of of missusvera smith of seven reports done for them upon repeated inquires in the vicinityof the discover that no missus smith is

known and following up this lead thatlots of arrive at the address on the stand for them of yet okay buses brown are at the same thing the long run yes and it was the on an factor itself that's right away that we arethinking about my car pants that's what we came to see you knowabout hundred sound push up an economic

argument dietmar yes of course important minor opinion i'd like to askyou a few questions below ka withdrew car not present registrant we want to know is out of it get to thecorner of clinton and group of them what will do and uh... i don't know it was analysis hardcore hardened yousay your card and stolen bus which are going to think about or no ma'am weekend as well and that what your carwas doing over with a string of issuing

the night plucked a block away which but i don'tknow i was still running stolen missus smithwhat tonight sometime you know they've been stolen during the whole story together and thenwe picket name fourteen welcome i think that can possibly make nickname understand

i don't think it's going to have anoptimistic about my cock this is a garage and customers like iguess so and within them that would not want to stop them you mean by that well it wasn't doing anything wrong withhim might as well different than the intended stand withyour coffees reappeared which don't want to have yougive me time

allred cognizant of my cock in storesand actually that's not going to be helpful registers read open witnessesmeant iraq to tell you that he had nothing todo it with i'm sure probably right but supporter of the losers ofpresident-elect wasn't that great how can i do that way rewrote the rooming house from twentythree will find that i can just met someone at the start of all at headquarters of the gloves and reportthe findings surges into the start of the missing reptile

and then less than an hour later theform in the homicide offices answered by a student almost ninety two high-speed ops off on and all line all well seven or whatever onto a cab driver hit list full o inadmissible but no thanks

we're going to work abusive well for you love is all about i don't know well i know is that when i stopped atvarious tonight she said you fellas we're looking for me reason why itdoesn't happen so i can do it that was not going to do what dole is about missus smith's carbig storm brought well like i told her i market over by my place in a littlewhile later when i came out it was gone

that's all i know i'm miss who was opposed to read over this lastnight or it was very young fallon accused iranof my place and i don't work and i was sorry formsor economic reform of the invite the so it doesn't happen to be corruptedknowledge eyes are alright missus smith does rewarded the glasses we as a piece of stan resigned he's beenwaiting for that city reporting i can't make it was a suspect zero

yours certainly good enough gear asceticcap manager metro but what you're anything other thanrichard ruling out of here anytime care of it thanks for coming in cold-blooded espy took all right thanks well-appointed

leading figure in the clear in thisfield i was at camp the younger those who follows bob lesliedill today which makes this uh... but around g when broadcasting dominant top outsidetown about twenty seven inches tall weighing one hundred do you want to betemporary or content nor more informal men wanted to one hundred and fifty phone walletpop

kingsland become more suspects sugars description assault-style inflated cross-examined went through the interior ministerchildren review repairers within one of these are very good in other writing about the more irealize you kathleen is filters right in the world united in maybe i do in the forest that is definitely colors

lamar read about these killers and stuffbut i like the fortune also buried freeride room try kar samples from thefood preparation is only when you get a tough spot for tourism and leisure ofrubber or something like two all-women thank yous uh... awkward yet piglet across go ahead with your business of thepeople uh... rather

or univariate so i'm embarrassed and that is solve the problems with allof the excess fortunate but thank you regarding requirment depression have to procure forever what you're right now if you may be aproper across it but that doesn't give you any right togo around the world of the taxpayer about it

i don't see any reason sad so damn takenyour customer for electrified you're not going to have a headquarters and have atalk with the times i don't want to dr lipset panel that maybe you want to talkto you come on religious relax for a moment we'll getthis over with you want to ask if you questions was played with him and he doesn't feellike doing this weekend in common that's the main reason i brought him inwill do it over your head it may not know that you're breaking thelaw right now out by refusing to answer questions well corporate

but not that i care whatever way theywere not but letters but another part of you wouldlike to know what and and if they did it would be terrible for me three like tomake sure that we're not in the private detective business that with your credit welll in that case my name's joe job growth and where were you last nightmister drivel about nine o'clock that willis

waterville out of your father i think it will give you a promise notto give me a way that depend on what to tell if of course legacy it perfectly out my ex-wife and common seal of thebook and when she's on the walkway what i can figure out that he had whichis something awful go back to me i i i i think if they havereportedly how about last night welll

or it doesn't matter i was over at a friend's house won't beable to their overestimate the grid yet or gps toward the devil but it was inthe hope because well is easy he thought it would have been latin idea think i understand would you rather friend have anyobjection verifying the fact that you were there last night and that isbetween the hours of eight contend third

rope right i guess it was necessary to might do it always you can start to put it it was atelephone number and we'll take your story this of the bill that a lot uh... if so or if you showed a startling man easy on they call to the final burials program results incomplete corroboration of theread about what time of the building

and this together with the but thataside from across the eyes of soda drinking mister middle but none of theother descriptions of the weight and height leads to is really vi and thebill number one but opposition and not be discouraged bythis during the next six hours before morequalified management background out of office questioned only to be releasedagain my belief that evening becomes apparentthis method of cross-eyed man is no nobody in the city of los angles leading fund that was all over the fifthtime that day he started once again on

the search it isn't one of an employment agency oneast fifth street responses to compare the boss eyes standing in line waitinghis turn of the window moving possible i'm walter smithcontinued was brought down the street break and watch this program noted quorry at last and before theagency window is directly behind connection has made what do you doanything mister romney i want to michael and demand do anything in return for ajob or a trade war dead at the idea only at work outside california i don't thinklos angeles right wing well there might

be stopping off in about a career that in california i don't know yet what i can do we dothat's alright but i've got a spot for murder in los angeles the monterey wanted that is what youmight call it a rest worked it back together this time i think we've got somethingand like the last time and time to pull them out of it all fits the descriptionof the latter when he was trying to get

work over respect alright all that bring in the investor equipment like power cable or i don't know from combat reverses the current whatanyone's monetary joanna trimester does want to get it right radio god right got going to go back and georgia knowsof only the undercut them and that a few questions that thealuminum another couple of men with the over report

avalon involve a lot then what was a big area to get out of thestate are not what california included rewrite quintuplets do badmister but let's take that up for the chamber of compton almanac to see if youdon't want to mcinturff managua hamburg how we're going to be brave and thoughtmaybe you'd be another band governor that if there's a lot of at interbrand unfunny seek learning fun well i'm goingto give you a chance to prove just how

funny you are that cousin bill and it would it on that they would he has to say who accosted when we return we'll letyou wouldn't little breakers will not couple of men who were shot up one of the rooms that now with regard to do with me and i don'tknow yet tampa detective you're not going to be in something onthe way you look at whether the rank again' were not met with a pendingthings on people in this department

though not for the people themselves double-digit you will die i met with the cut political agenda that's the part of it jordyn why do you think i shall write aletter that got headquarters privately crazy camp chromosomal formalizing not it allinternet where prayer while it

following morning and a little bit my lip talk i have anew removed from the seven escorted once again into combat was off where you greeted by a ominous what is reserved from jerusalem what you're going to say something waiting for you to talk birthday would expect me to say

all right thank you for bookingepitomize v'll colonies of that who still don't remember anything aboutit sure did you don't remember standing right wheredown their government spending world monday three hundred that knowledge itgot them now how are you reading talking and that's one thing about me i canassure you couple of nights sandwiches and some hot called a with a pretty goodright now what in the border one day dot

what are you reading not pick up at eleven at all the thought of the world i'm really mypicture as a plate of that was in the whole potof coffee in the next room there oran alfacell you'll be mature him in israel just open the door and go on in or just watch okay okay

wounded hahahaha media dalton mistake let them out of his inability requires knowledge other than that we'retalking about a when you're trying to do with done atgot that as a delicious tomato story you know all about your pal redbook netall we did not your story about for reform that's about it

well-run i'll tell you about it if you guys got another man anyway it doesn't matter much what this is aconservative replied that order our commitment to order to get moreinterested won the battle of neglect of thecommittee and a actually nor copied well go ahead with your story read anywhere didn't get anywhere to store it wasn't

letter went broke we had a couple of dollars what probably was a picture that was a wouldhelp them went on a benefit handsomely with president probably operablewould-be gun in my hand and going to get a big wooden dolls what dole has got todo with it should be graham whatever pictures informal talks really tough thoughts in a couple back some friendsin georgia a lot of a real hard line on

your oven confined in any institution ithink institutions me bog on more or less yet will cost about what do you think i had crazy whatever your story sounds a littleuh... five that routine patrol and i want to alright contactable youbelong to represent the pictures are

lobbied and think and i want to hawkeye you might think it is up about thosethings throwing around town here both men arekilled a couple of guys in a lot of stuff like that and at your noel when they are in the war well anywhere but i would think that went on thecamera the bag organelle regarding billing

you know i used to talk a lot and idon't know what a hot guy what he believed in we brought out of the cambodian let me suggested what we see an oldfriend of yours reptile went over to replace not them prepare when they let your kaliath habitatpalaces cac dreadful at that particular collect come on and practice or shipment

all right let me know manage company so right at this moment yeah forgetting about the fabric of our guysthe other day and it certainly feeling that way plus and next for them reduction pretty big if you know the truth manager corrective action rich don't get soared mir and i wouldn'tsay anything

why don't you give someone the getimport them action ninety eight dash era and i don'tknow what to do it placard if i think i think are so drawn toupgrade prepare would have to you go out and get those guys are reallybig blackberries and break a couple of bonesin popping up fifty bucks at house or i amwhether where you see our planet when a girl i don't know i thought you said thisguy's got the right choice for want of

hop on it for kato wrong difficult these guys are going to a little bit youknow i don't know about tomorrow night you go over the and when you see them u_s_ diplomatic but not someone would mean i wasn'tdropping still being scared to death and then what fabricated a case on the wrong word better take guns are a couple of one let's not forget there is a smith garden

told me where to go on what you've gotit looked like didn't black is more because i don't getthe fifty bucks before that when they showed up at ballistic up and orbit brackets michael bolton beauty strong murder one of the governmentelective but i'd have the stomach that the other document and i don't haveto if you're interested

they realize what this means for noapparent forgetful lagata itinerary water sewer and water which is because of the vote withoutbeing a hot guy batteries of that that i come back down acting upon the completion goldmanhaving or both charged with murder without giving the states case dotmarshall that michael dismisses the part of important

the betting that the prosecutor theoverthrow the is linked to any concerns that the jury the last three or more one morning cockeyed having georgiabatman stands by the before dot mccoll toreceive seven uh... good gauntlet therefore thit kho i think it by end of the dead forms more

warrant capability your butt uh... the his did do you judge it and liven up when submitting hezballah intrudes the driver of the police cars ambulancesfire engines are posters for your branded but kathleen or more emergency carter powered withfree around the clock than any other

company everywhere diesel no one knows better than the veterandrivers how important it is to use a governmentemergencies with like like action you can enjoy the same a baptism theextra three rows of police car performance in your own car with riogrande a quack doesn't mean or exactly the same gasoline that these emergencycard use is sold by your neighborhood we open the gate by the end and get a free copy of the calling allcars news

fascinating publication with todetective stories movie in radio news learn how you can supply every fourinterview appointments with the fourteen free gift that comprise the realgrounded you detective outfit at no cost to you and learn about the same claremontlubrication but it was your we are going to be withknow exactly what graders and thermal draw your motor needs an exactly whatgreat of the one hundred and twenty different simpler lubricants is neededfor every part of your car sinclair scientific lubrication served

applies according to your carmanufacturers specifications is now available at all one hundredpercent rio grande estates bleeding falling on hard times moremartin and later we'll get one hundred million magnuson is known really mitchell wereliterally secure medicare federal employees thatany of that night or the rio grande will donate


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