vaser lipo yaptıran

vaser lipo yaptıran

is scarless breast reduction possible? as everybody knows, breast reduction operation takes a long time and leaves a scar on body. it is possible to melt the faty section and suck it out with the help of minimal incisions with almost leaving no scar on the skin. meanwhile with the help of laser energy being transfered to heat energy we are able to stretch the skin of the breast.

we call this operation scarless breast reduction operation. we do this operation with two millimeter wide incisions at the side and bottom of the breast reduce the size of the breast with moving the laser probe in this area and on the other hand, with the help of selectivity of the laser light we don't give any harm to mammary glands, vein and nerve structure thus maintaining the sense of feeling and the feeding section of the breast. so, to whom can we perform this operation? we are able to perform this operation practically to everyone,

however some people benefit more, where as some less. for example as women age, close to menopause age, the fat amount within the breast increase as well as the effectivity of the laser. meanwhile we are able to perform this operation to young age women in their 20s as well however the reduction effect is less than that of women around 40s or menopause ages. but leaving no scar and fast recovery period is a great advantage. besides for young women, and for those of fertility age the milk channels not being affected is another great advantage of this operation.

it lasts shorter and the recovery period is quicker. it is actually a technique where we don't remove part of the breast skin and there is no need for stiches. ideal candidates are especially middle aged women and who don't have gigantic size breasts.


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