vaser lipo vs bodytite
the georgia dermatology offers a customizedtreatment that combines traditional tumescent liposuction with coollipo™, a minimallyinvasive, outpatient procedure that liquefies excess fat for easy removal. coollipo’sunique technology even goes beyond standard liposuction to reform collagen and tightenskin from the inside out. cool laser liposuction is ideal for small, fatty areas, especiallyfor the face, neck, and chin. results should be seen within a week after treatment, andskin will continue to improve for 2-6 months post procedure. five years ago i had traditional liposuctionunder general anesthesia in my abdomen, and the results were wonderful. however, fiveyears later, you know i started gaining a
little bit of weight in my upper stomach,and wanted to have liposuction again, but as a busy mother of two, my schedule justdoes not allow the down time that traditional liposuction under general anesthesia a patient here at dr. gross's office, i heard that he was having a night of beautyseminar and he was going to be speaking about tumescent liposuction without general, i came to the seminar, and it just sounded like everything that i was looking for inliposuction that i never thought i could have, which would be virtually no downtime. theday after i had the tumescent liposuction, i was going about my daily activities. nodiscomfort the next day. absolutely no bruising. i had no bruising, as with traditional liposuction,i had a lot of bruising.
actually about two years ago this week, ihad the liposuction done, the liposuction on my thighs. and it has been the best thingi have ever done. i have been so happy. and then i followed up with the velashape, andi've been very happy with the velashape. the velashape basically smoothes out your skin,any cellulite that you might have and very good results after that. i've been so happyand i've sent all my friends here. in fact, i just had a girlfriend come in a couple ofweeks ago from pennsylvania, and she flew down, and she had the liposuction done onher stomach, and she's been very excited with the results so far. i would highly recommenddr. gross to anbody. if you have any questions, he'll sit down with you. he takes his time.he makes you feel so comfortable. the staff
here is just fabulous. the nurses to the receptionists,they just take great care of you. and, i'll be a patient for a long time.
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