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i always felt a little self-conscious aboutmyself, even as a little kid because i was always a big person. but as i grew up i kindof grew into myself. i was working out like crazy, i was playing sports. but, didn't getto where i needed to be, at where i felt like i looked good too. one day i met a friendand i noticed he had cuts on his abs, and i'm like, "wow, he must work out a lot." well,he told me that, "no, actually i had a little work done over at a place." i'm like, "dr.solomon? maybe i should go try it." so, after my consultation, then we were able to setup an appointment and right away within the next month i was able to come and do the procedure.and, it's been a week now since i've done it. and i'll tell you what, right away itwas, right away i saw the results, immediately.
i had the gynecomastia, i had the upper andlower vaser liposuction, on the lower abs too, and the flanks was done as well. so,it didn't take as long as i thought. i thought i was going to be here like, all day, butit was a quick procedure, and very tolerable pain. of course there's going to be some discomfort,of course, and even at home, you know, you're just trying to get up and just do your normalthing, because i was by myself you know, at home, actually, so i was able to take careof myself. but, there is some, but nothing that you really, really, really need to, youknow, worry about. i actually came from work, coming here to do this interview, even aftera few days, and i'm going to work after this, so actually for me to be mobile and doingmy normal activities is a huge thing cause
i was nervous about it too. i can't take daysoff. after a couple of weeks, i could do good workouts. not like, i don't want to do anythingtoo crazy. you gotta remember, everything was tight here, that if i start moving a lotof jiggling around, you want to keep that as tight as possible, so you don't want todo that. but after a while, i want to say maybe another month, you know i could actuallyplay more harder physical activity. you know, because i usually play soccer, i play racquetball,i play a whole bunch of sports that are kind of vigorous. but, i'm not gonna do it toosoon. i want to make sure that this is right. so, but the main thing about the pain andthe swelling, that's what i want to control, because if you do good, what they tell you,that you just make sure you wear your wrap,
make sure you put everything that you needto, take your antibiotics and you know you have some pain medicine, but overall if youdo everything they say in the beginning, the results will be better in the future. so,gotta suck it up in the beginning so you get better results later. i already told threepeople. i think they have interviews coming up soon and some consultations, so actuallythat's pretty good. right away i showed my friends and they've known me all my life,so when they saw the before pictures, well they already knew what i looked like. buti showed them some after the surgery, and they're like, "oh my goodness." they werelike, right away, like, "i gotta do it."
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