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liposculpture we are going to talk now about liposculpture. liposculpture in other words it is the same as liposuction. liposculture is a way of refering to it that sounds better, and consist in sucking, using cannula (an instrument that is a tube with rounded tip,does not pierce) and thru it you such the fat you can see it passing thru transparent tubes into an sterilized glass, where you deposit the fat and you can reuse it (or not) in other zone, for example in the butt, or wherever you want.
let us start whith the most important things. liposculpture is fantastic, because in one single day while you rest, while you have sedation, you achive what you could hardly get in one year of diet, exercise. and even better, you get results that can hold the pass of time indefinitely. as long as you you have a proper diet. i am not saying that liposculpture is replacing making exercise.exercise is very important and should be done not only before or after a surgery, let me rephraseit should be done always. it is an excelent habit.
exercise has an impact on the quality of life,with life expectancy, that is something that you do not get with a plastic surgery. but we must be aware thatthe same as diet and exercise has some power to change in the organism,also, there are some things too dificult to achive, with diet and exercise alone. so i would say that the ideal combination is: first of all, a good well balanced diet, making exercise in a regular basis and
surgery helps to conquer some zones that are almost "impossible" (in quotation marks) to mold or modify in a permanent and in a striking way.where liposculpture succeeds. all this i am saying, lets see it in cases of patients that i have operated. let us see an before/after. sometimes i ask my new patients what age they think this woman has. the majority calculate that 25 or 30the maximum they say 35 the truth is that this patient has 48 years.
we are watching the result one month after surgery.she is still inflamed. but nevertheless,you can see there is a big diference before the surgery. she is using the same type of underware. it is evident that liposculpture produces huge changes hardly you can get them this quality in result with dient and excercise alone or can be achived with a great deal of sacrifice and effort. what normally happens iswhen a person makes a diet and exercise what produces is that the fat cells are reduced in size.
for example, in one zone, the waist:if you pinch let us assume you have one million fat cells, adipocytes when you make diet and exercise you convert them into a million of thin cells, the number of cells do not change,they only change in size. when you stop that effort, that exercise, that diet, where you achive something the reason why you easily gain the size you had before, in a cuple of months only if you stop thoose habits, is because the fat cells that were already there, simply gain size again.
that is why a person can be all life gaining weightreducing weight and gaining it again. and keep going; depending on the time of year. some people in december stop the efforts they gain weight and turn a "new year's resolution" and stay on this cycle all the time. liposculpture or liposuction is the only method that asures that the fat cells are phisically removed from the body. any other method makes the fat cells only diminish the size temporarily, but not in numbers. that is why the cycle of going up and down.
in weight, but also in alterations in the body shape. here we have the same patient three months after, with less inflammations and the body shape is better defined we can see how the abdominal area changed a lot, the groin is also different, and the legs got better, all because the aspiration of the excess fat that she had on thoose body zones. this was a favorable case, she had no pregnancies so the skin was in good shape,whith a great retraction capacity.
so here we do not have any cutting on the skin,only liposculpture or liposuction. i want to emphasize the quality of the it looks in this area. i want to compare this other image.a woman that was operated by another surgeon. she is more thin, but you can see there are some areas where he aspirated strongly, in others not so much and like that in all this area. so he gave a "stony" look i emphasize that i take great care on the skin.i make the greatest effort so the skin is in good shape as you can see in the middle image.
here i have a video, that is also shared in facebook, i make this with all my patients,i document with some photos or videos i pinch all the zones and establishwhich ones need aspiration. thoose numbers you see are cm, that is my hand. you can see the compact package of fat on the waist. you can see the shape, the body line she had. from 7 cm (2.75") that she had on the areagoes to 1 cm (.4") i always make the best effort to leave once for all the minimum of need always to leave a strip of fat
i leave it the minimum possible.before i could not use this device, plicometer you noticed it went to 1cm (.4") width. here we see the patient before surgery and here we see her some 20 mins after in the surgery room. you can see the skin is in good shape. this is the patient you saw on the video. you can see how the silhouette before procedure was practicly a straight line. two or three months later, although is still inflamedyou can see a diferent definition. i put part of the fat on the butt
not to make the butt bigger, but to lift them to have more contrast with respect to the waist. in this video we can see how, if you aspirate very well the waist without touching the butt you can see a great improvement at this level. you can see how the back looks thinner softer and more feminine than before. in this slide we can se another patientberfore starting procedure lying on her side
and on the bottom image we see the patientwhen i have done half liposculpture. on her left side i have done the waist and back, i emphasize again how good the skin looks, and i also want to mention how the buttlooks way better without having touched only by strongly reducing the fat on the waist. this image is very interesting because you can compare the side i already apsirated vs the side i have not. on this side images we can see how was the pinchbefore starting to aspirate it was 12 cm (4.7")in real size is more or less this.
and on the next image you can see a pinch of only 1.5 cm (.6") the posibility of one person to regain weight or loose definition on the waist after an aspiration this strong, is practicly discarded. a lot of people think that liposculpture is only for persons that are fat, or has overweight or something but it is also for thin woman, it is not rare seeingeven from 17 years a well shaped body overall,but at the waist line you see a cumulus of fat that diminish them a bit. this is one of thoose cases. she is a thin woman that basicly had some extra fat at the waist
it was not that much, it is a diferent case than the previous one but you can see the great diference after sucking the fat on that region. it has a notoriously better defined line than before. also in the cases of woman with a good body when it is evident that some zones have extra fat are good cases because,after aspirating thoose regions specifically that body becames more sesy, more sensual than before. in men we also have similar changesobviously the male anatomy is diferent there is no risk that one man ends with a thin waist.
the male skeleton has no wide hips so there is no situation to be afraid that a liposculpture will give him get a womanish shape. on the contrary, what you do is increase the male characteristics. we can see here that this patient did not made exercise this photo was taken the day of surgery, just before starting and here we can see some muscles,but it is not, i gave the fat a muscle shape. i can give the fat a shape so it looks as if it is worked at gym. between this two photos are two months of diference. although it is still inflamed you can see how
at the belly button he had quite ammount of fatat this region and after surgery, at the belly button level there is no more. another case. here is the pationt at the surgery day, and here at the operating room. i have just marked the abbs, i have not cosedthe tiny holes where the procedure is made, but you can see the diference. there is a much simpler method;painles but has some results that last very little. a very "mexican way" now, at the face we can make wonders.
this is a case of a girl, less than 20 years old, whom i aspirated the neck region,the lower third of the face and you can see the result one day after surgery. you still can see the makings i used the day before. the definition is very diferent in the cases where you aspirate the double chin, and the lower third of the face you need to take into account the situation of the skin if it has beginnings of flaccidity, you would need to specify, at the initial evaluation, the pros and cons of liposculpture alone.
it is another topic, that we will see when we talk about of face and neck lift, rhytidectomy or rhytidoplasty. so, when you perform a liposculpture of the double chin, and the lower third of the face you get some some changes that are very pleasant and natural and practically you do not see where the procedure was made thru. you can see the great diference on the before and after, the same as this case, where i aspirated the double chin and the lower third of the face, something that still impress me is that one region that one would consider as lateral to the face itself, has a great impact on the overall shape of the face. you can see this patient has no makeup either before or after,
but she looks younger and prettier in the second photo and i did not touched anything on the face. the only thing i did was to aspirate and shape the frame of the face. also in men it is common to see how, as time goes by there is acumulation of fat at the double chin and the lower third of the face that produce a rounder face. when you aspirate this regionsand use an aditional procedure called bichectomy (that i also performed in the previous cases) you get a great definition in the face
whith the respective improvements. a person that will be more atractive, that will look younger bichectomy is a relatively simple procedure, less traumathic than pull out a tooth i would say, that is performed intraoral, you makean incision of 1 cm (.4") with local anesthesy, where you pull the bichat fat. the bichat fat is an small anatomical structure more or less as 15 ml, the same as a table spoon of fatthat when removed produce a very subtle result, and complement the ones, specially on persons that has on this region
with wide cheeks, without definition. with this we finish the main aspects regarding liposculpture or liposuction.
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