vaser lipo poland

vaser lipo poland

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to therecovery room at the plastic surgery clinic, which is a state-of-the-art recovery room,with expert nursing care, all of the latest in monitoring equipment, and probably oneof the most beautiful recovery rooms in the city. anyways, today i want to talk a bitabout gynecomastia. you know, gynecomastia is a very common condition where men haveexcess male breasts. that operation's been around for a while. but the standard way ofdoing that operation is to leave a scar around the edge of the nipple. we have developeda new technique which we've actually published in the journal of plastic surgery where wemake a little tiny incision and use liposuction to remove not only the fat, but also the glandulartissue, and we remove all of that tissue through

a little tiny incision pin prick over on theside so there is no smiley face around the edge of the nipple and that greatly improvesthe result and makes it so that there's no scar. people ask, "well what will the resultbe like?" what we say to people is, we can't make you 100% perfect, but we can make it80% better and that's a huge, huge improvement. and patients who have that done are superhappy and actually say, "you know, dr. lista, this operation has changed my life." gynecomastiasurgery makes people really happy.


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