welcome to the dubai cosmetic surgery in this video we will discuss aboutliposuction and body contouring proceduresliposuction is also known as like plasti likesculpture like section lame and specific areas of the body may be moving excess said it improves your body contours an image liposuction can be used to treat to burn yes deposit in many parts of the body including theface highs arms neck we back in the chess the chain anchors in some cases that position can be performed in conjunction with either cosmetic youprocedures like yesterday action me yes liposuction i specific in variousparts of the body it is important to remember the main country procedure meant to bring yes tonight get improved bye week or x the procedure is performed with the use met to you no can week inserted inside to a very small incision to disconnected section machine week disconnected and discarded after g that perception is performed deeper skin with the extra fat deposited one the procedure is comple...
welcome back! when performing a tummy tuck, in my experience, we have to look at the aesthetic units that surround the abdomen to have an excellent result. among the most common areas that surgeons do not pay attention to are the flanks and lower back. if you look at this diagram, the abdominal wall boundaries include the lower chest, the flank, the sides, and the pubic area on the inferior part. the fat from the flank area extends from the anterior part of the abdomen all the way to the lower back. if these areas are not liposuctioned, your waist is not going to be as small as you want it your belly might look good, but when you wear some jeans, you’re going to have a fat roll on the lower back that you dislike for this reason, in my hourglass tummy tuck technique, i always perform liposuction on the lower back to blend this aesthetic unit to get better results. if you look at this picture of a patient whounderwent an hourglass tummy tuck, she has excess abdominal fat and skin....
so what we're doing now is laser liposuction or smart lipo of the lateral thighs or the outside thighs as you can see, the red area right under the skin and what it's doing is it's actually tightening the skin and removing fat cells at the same time by a process of two different laser wavelengths and if you zoom in, you actually see how close this gets to the skin edge problem areas for this would be the outer thighs, the inner thighs, arms, neck area and i'm also going to show some abdominal wall etching that you see when we want to tighten the abdomen
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