coolsculpting vs vaser lipo

hello i'm doctor gregory ward a consultantand director of non-surgical treatments at the skin clinic. i'm going to explain thescience behind the revolutionary fat freezing technology called coolsculpt. firstly itsimportant to understand how fat cells or adipose tissues works. there are two main times inour lives when we produce fat cells. one is in the final stages on fetes in utero andone is in the onset of puberty. fat cells do not generally generate after puberty, soas your body stores more fat the quality of fat cells don't increase they simply growin size. coolsculpting is a way of reducing the number of fat cells in your body. coolscuplt uses controlled and selective cooling,of fat cells to trigger a natural elimination
of twenty five to forty percent of fat cellsin the treated areas. at these temperatures fat cells crystallise and die, but all othersurrounding tissue is not damaged. unlike liposuction there are no needles, no anaesthesiano long recovery periods and no long term risk of nerve damage. four to twelve weeks after your cool sculpttreatment twenty five to forty percent of fat cells will shrink in size and die as adirect result of the cooling treatment. the remaining cells will condense reducing thefat layer whilst continuing their job to store energy. the crystallised fat cells will thenbe metabolised and eliminated by the lymphatic system which is the bodies natural drainagesystem.
you will see both a visual and measurabledifference, six to eight weeks after your treatment. some people start notice improvementsafter as little as three weeks. the best thing about coolsculpting is that it is a extremelysafe, non surgical treatment. the machine is fda approved and over five hundred thousandtreatments have been performed globally. coolsculpt is set to revolutionise the way we approachfat production and represents an exciting new development in the body contouring market.
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