Şubat, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
is vaser lipo worth it
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costa rica liposuction are you thinking about havingprofessional and affordable liposuction costa rica liposuction cost do you suffer from localized areas affected by this isthat a disproportionate with the rest of your body are you trying to obtain more definitionare sleek account or in certain areas of you've come to the right placeliposuction surgery sculpt your body eliminating unwanted markets haveexercise and diet resistant fat from the buttocks, hips, love handles, saddle bags, ties kansas, ankles, breasts, back arms and neck. costa rica liposuction is often combined with other procedures to create a desired shape and is one ofthe safest and most popular cosmetic surgery in costa rica i'll talk about your needs with ourspecialized surgeons and find the best solutions for your body visit our website to know more about usare just simply give us a call our team in costa rica is lookingforward to helping you liposuction tummy tuck costa rica liposuction costa rica revi...
is vaser lipo the same as laser lipo
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hi. welcome to beverly hills cosmetic plastic surgery. i'm going to be having beverly hills liposuction today. in a couple different areas. i've alwayshad larger arms. so he's going to liposuction back here and around my waist. the lovely love handle area. around my outer thighs a little bit.it's to contour those areas where i have a little bit more padding. the interesting thing about katie is she is one of myemployees. i've known here for over four years. we've worked together for a long time and she is probably the last person iwould've thought that would of been interested in beverly hills liposuction just becauseshe's been seeing thousands of patients come and go and since she's been working with me prettymuch exclusively for the last several months i think she has seen i've had many patients who are very satisfied, very happy with their liposuction results. getting to see his patients. getting to see how he interacts with his patients....
is vaser lipo safe
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hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel star bodies. today we are going to discuss the causes ofswelling after liposuction. in this channel, we discuss everything you need to know to get that star body that you want. welcome back. liposuction is a procedure where a hollow cannula connected to a suction machine is inserted under the skin to remove fat. even though liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures, recovery from it can be prolonged. you will experience inflammation, fluid collection,and swelling that will take time to heal. you will be able to return to your daily activities within days, but it will take months to see your final results. think about liposuction as a form of trauma;even though you do not see the soft tissue injury secondary to the suction of the fat and the back and forth movement of the cannula, it does occur. the surrounding tissues of the abdomen get inflamed, which causes the capillaries of...
is vaser lipo really worth the extra money
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is led tv worth the extra money? the led tv uses a lot less power than thestandard lcd screen. i don’t have a big enough tv or watch itenough to be worth the extra cost. the leds are supposed to last longer thanthe liquid crystals in the lcd. that would be worth it if i wouldn’t betempted to upgrade to another tv in a few years. do you expect to somehow upgrade to 3d tvin a few years? you’ll probably own it for ten years, and then the energy savings addup. i won’t do a 3d tv. they require you towear the same goofy glasses as the movie theater. a medium size lcd tv is around $500 or more,depending on features. a small l e d tv is that much, but you’ll save a lot of energyover its life. how much energy will we use watching tv? do your kids ever play video games on thebig screen? my husband does. same difference. but the led tv is supposedto be better on the eyes. i could get the same quality with a plasmatv. perhaps, but then you risk the tv gettingburned in with those blac...
is vaser lipo permanent
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costa rica liposuction are you thinking about havingprofessional and affordable liposuction costa rica liposuction cost do you suffer from localized areas affected by this isthat a disproportionate with the rest of your body are you trying to obtain more definitionare sleek account or in certain areas of you've come to the right placeliposuction surgery sculpt your body eliminating unwanted markets haveexercise and diet resistant fat from the buttocks, hips, love handles, saddle bags, ties kansas, ankles, breasts, back arms and neck. costa rica liposuction is often combined with other procedures to create a desired shape and is one ofthe safest and most popular cosmetic surgery in costa rica i'll talk about your needs with ourspecialized surgeons and find the best solutions for your body visit our website to know more about usare just simply give us a call our team in costa rica is lookingforward to helping you liposuction tummy tuck costa rica liposuction costa rica revi...
is vaser lipo painful
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nightline continues from new york city with cynthia mcfadden, but we're now just 10 day's away from the official startof summer so we're taking a look at the link people going to for that perfect beachbody of course when starting your dietand exercise won't cut it there's always tanning or tightening that old news buteric hong see's a sign of the times in the new length some men are willing togo to to change their shape it's the brass ring a fitness the ultimate mark up hunky-ness the sixpack matthew mcconaughey has one markwahlberg's made this underwear ad famous and samantha'sboyfriend from sex and the city had his plastered on a billboard hey i'mnot even sure the poster does you justice. every guy we see in a magazine they all have six pack abs, everybody see'sall these movie stars sees movies with brad pitt walkingaround with six pack and people i wanna be like ab complete the fastest way to rock out on the pounds many products promis...
is vaser lipo fda approved
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hello my name is doctor ward and i'm fromthe skin clinic. today i want to talk to you about a revolutionary new treatment calledcoolsculpting. coolsculpting is so exciting because it isa non surgical alternative to liposuction. so what that means for you is that we cannow give you permanently fat reduction with no surgeon, no needles, no down town, no anaestheticand no scaring. the exciting thing about coolsculpting isthat its a one hour treatment and you get permeant fat reduction six to eight weekslater. coolsculpting is fda approved and thats important for the public to know. what fdaapproval means is two things, one, its completely safe and two, its clinically proven and effective. we have now got papers and clinical trials,over three hundred using coolsculpting, showing that its completely effective and safe aspermeant fat reduction. thats really exciting. we can use coolsculpting for a number of people.people who are slightly overweight or above their ideal weight can you...
is vaser lipo effective
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liposuction is a medical method where the surgeon is able to remove fat from certain parts of the body to give the body a nicer shape. there are multiple methods for liposuction. some methods are safer than the others. all methods are trying to be gentle on the body but some are more gentle than others. in my clinic in dallas we're trying to practice the methods that we believe are safer than others and provide better skin tightening. we rely on mostly on ultrasound assisted liposuction which is the vaser and a laser assisted liposuction which is the smartlipo. when a patient comes to our office to have liposuction that means that the patient has been prepared already for the procedure and all the explanations and understand we make sure that the patient understands the procedure very well. then when the patient comes on the day of the procedure the patient took already antibiotics if they come to the office we give them some other pills which help provide sedation. there a...
information on vaser lipo
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hi, i'm dr. dave david. you may recognize me from a national tv appearances but im here to talk about somethingreally exciting. it's called vaser lipo. you know, we went from theold conventional lipo when i was in practice in southern california to smartlipo, but the new vaser lipo uses ultrasound and doesn't carry all the risks in pain that the oldconventional lipo did. you're up and about almost immediatelyit doesn't require general anesthesia. if you have fat anywhere on yourbody that you don't like come and talk to me personally. you know the consultation is free solet's get you looking terrific! i'm dr. david.
i lipo vs vaser lipo
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welcome back to studio 5. if you have problemareas that don't seem to respond to diet and exercise, you may be considering a simplelaser procedure to get your body ready for warmer days ahead. summer faulkner is a nurseat davis surgical and has seen some impressive results on patients treated by dr. josephjensen. it's good to have you here, summer. thanks for having me.so what areas can you treat? what can be done to treat those trouble areas?the areas that can be treated are all the areas that you can treat with normal liposuction:your chin, your flabby arms--your "batwings," some people call them--your tummy, your flanks--oryour muffin top--and your thighs, and your lower bum.so, it's an advanced game of "heads, shoulders, knees, and toes," pretty much.you got it! and you say--you compared this procedure totraditional lipo. so, what's the difference? so, smartlipo is very similar to traditionallipo. there are a few differences. i think a few di...
how vaser lipo works
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liposuction of my abdomen, flanks, waist inner and outer thighs knees and brazilian butt lift they like it they like it a lot they can definitely the last couple weeks you could really see a.... huge difference but your starting to be able to see the changes and my clothes fit me better i had so much extra skin and meat even my kids have said mom your belly looks so much better now but that's fine with me that's great the lipo on my tummy and you did some in my waist i'm tickled to death with everything there's no more spare tire that's the best part everything was tight except for way down here and this roll that wouldn't go away its awesome that i don't have to work as hard i worked so hard and it wouldn't go away now if i get into the same routine it should look like i was when i was 35
how much vaser lipo
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hi. welcome to beverly hills cosmetic plastic surgery. i'm going to be having beverly hills liposuction today. in a couple different areas. i've alwayshad larger arms. so he's going to liposuction back here and around my waist. the lovely love handle area. around my outer thighs a little bit.it's to contour those areas where i have a little bit more padding. the interesting thing about katie is she is one of myemployees. i've known here for over four years. we've worked together for a long time and she is probably the last person iwould've thought that would of been interested in beverly hills liposuction just becauseshe's been seeing thousands of patients come and go and since she's been working with me prettymuch exclusively for the last several months i think she has seen i've had many patients who are very satisfied, very happy with their liposuction results. getting to see his patients. getting to see how he interacts with his patients....
how much vaser lipo cost
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i had the what did i have done i had the vaser lipo in my mid-section and in my inner thighs and then the fat transfer to the butt i love it i didn't have a curve before in my back now i have a curve and my abs are extremely flat there's a lot of definition so i absolutely love it no regrets just go out and do it it's a great motivator it'll help get you started your already going to be at that like i lovethis i just want to maintain it and work on it from there so it's a great motivation in that sense and i mean i've been thinking about it fora while cause i've always had i've never had a curvein my back for as long as i could remember i was just skinny and then all of the sudden i just got bigger so i've been thinking about it since maybehigh school and so it's been 10 years and you just keep thinking about it and your like let me just do something formyself so that's what i did but no regrets at all i love doctor shienbaum he's v...
how much is vaser lipo
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in this clip, we'll talk about further recoveryafter the liposuction procedure. the recovery is generally not that bad, most people willbe back at work within a few days, and then kind of a tight, slightly annoying feelingwhen they try to get too vigorous with exercising. the good thing about liposuction is it doesnot really restrict people from exercising early, as opposed to procedures that involvemore cutting and sewing and tightening. in this case you're wanting to try to restrictthings so you don't have stretching of scars and repaired areas. with the liposuction,i encourage my patients to get back to their regular routine very quickly within a weekor two, and then that would help them to mobilize whatever fat is still there, and fluid isstill there and then to see even better results. if a patient can lose a pound or two, or ofcourse even more, those are the patients that are the happiest after liposuction. the patientis encouraged to exercise as soon as possible ...
how much is vaser lipo uk
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hello my name is dr rita rakus. welcome to my private non surgical cosmetics practice in knightsbridge named by the media as the london lip queen i have over 15 years of aesthetic experience in providing the highest level of expertise in non surgical facial rejuvenation the cosmetics solutions are provided by the way of thermage for face and body contouring fraxel for skin rejuvenation, skin pigmentation and stretch marks and liposonix fat removal other rejuvenating treatments are dermal fillers and muscle inhibitors plus facial peeling, dermal roller, ipl, thread hair removal and microdermabrasion we provide pain free hair free soprano for effective hair removal on most hair types and skin types plus visia skin analysis together with a range of effective skin products to help you achieve the best results thank you for watching, for further information please contact me on my website www.drritatrakus.com
how much is vaser lipo at mya
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hello! this is my first time ever making any kind of v-log or video project. so i'm gonna do my best. my name is daniel and this is the channel daniel gets a chin which is kind of spin off of angelgetsachin a channel i've been following a lot. i'm going to get a chin implant and a chin liposuction. and i will have it done here in sweden, where i live. the reason i want it is because obviously i have a very weak chin. and also a lot of fat under my chin. even though i am of normal weight. i have in periods of my life been underweight, but even then i would have a lot of fat right under my chin. i will be having my procedure done in 5 days. i'm going to have my implant put in through my mouth. and of course the liposuction is right under here. they will not go up here. this is a picture i made of the results i would like to achieve. i believe it won't be this good, but i was thinking it could be a good guideline for my surgeon. as you can see i want the chin out, ...
how much does vaser liposuction cost
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ok, so we're going to do a high definitionliposuction of the pectoral area, the lateral thoracic area, the abdomen and the flanksas described and taught by dr. hoyos. so we'll first infiltrate with tumescent solution.we're going to use a vaser machine to emulsify the fat and then we're going to start withthe liposuction.
how much does vaser lipo cost
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hi, i'm dr. dave david. you may recognize me from a national tv appearances but im here to talk about somethingreally exciting. it's called vaser lipo. you know, we went from theold conventional lipo when i was in practice in southern california to smartlipo, but the new vaser lipo uses ultrasound and doesn't carry all the risks in pain that the oldconventional lipo did. you're up and about almost immediatelyit doesn't require general anesthesia. if you have fat anywhere on yourbody that you don't like come and talk to me personally. you know the consultation is free solet's get you looking terrific! i'm dr. david.
how much does vaser lipo cost uk
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female: and laser lipo, a brand-new type ofliposuction, promises to cause you less pain and get you back on your feet in just 24 hours.it's now being offered in pittsburgh. find out how it works. [music] male: this is kvk tv news at five. ken rice: this really is none of my business,this question, but i must ask anyway. do you have a little extra flab that you just can'tseem to get rid of, but you can't quite stomach the idea of having liposuction? patrice king brown: well, if that is the case,then you will be thrilled to know that a new, less invasive type of liposuction is beingoffered in the pittsburgh area. it claims to be almost painless, and that you can beback on your feet the very next day. the question is, is it really like that? well, alison morrisis here with lauren. alison, how does this work? alison morris: well, patrice, it's actuallypretty simple. laser liposuction can be done right in the doctor's office with just localanesthesia, and it takes le...
how much does a vaser lipo cost
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i had the vaser liposuction i had it in my underarm here my knees my inner thighs and around in here its almost 2 sizes i'm down 2 sizes i take a lot of my things and get them re-done or taken in i really like my waist i really really do i can get in a size 6 pants before i was a 10, 12 the part i like most is really the waist around the whole centerpiece here and the underarm because i'm not self-conscience when i put on a tank top or something sleeve-less it was truly up to my expectation i don't feel self-conscience when i take my clothes off now i used to try and always hide my stomach the little things that women go through and now i have no problem i really enjoy my body myself what i found with dr. shienbaum was he let me make my decision he asked me are you sure this is what youwant to do why do you want to do it it's kind of like of like a mental thing where i felt some of the other doctors i spoke with it was more of let's just get it done there was ...
how long does vaser lipo last
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hi. welcome to beverly hills cosmetic plastic surgery. i'm going to be having beverly hills liposuction today. in a couple different areas. i've alwayshad larger arms. so he's going to liposuction back here and around my waist. the lovely love handle area. around my outer thighs a little bit.it's to contour those areas where i have a little bit more padding. the interesting thing about katie is she is one of myemployees. i've known here for over four years. we've worked together for a long time and she is probably the last person iwould've thought that would of been interested in beverly hills liposuction just becauseshe's been seeing thousands of patients come and go and since she's been working with me prettymuch exclusively for the last several months i think she has seen i've had many patients who are very satisfied, very happy with their liposuction results. getting to see his patients. getting to see how he interacts with his patients....
how is vaser lipo performed
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ress plasticsurgery presents vaser lipo - a non-surgical liposuction permanent fat removal, minimal downtime and smooth results get one thousand dollars off vaser lipo by calling now at 561 807 6465 come in for your complimentaryconsultation at our boca raton location where we willbe happy to make you happy
how does vaser lipo work
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liposuction is a medical method where the surgeon is able to remove fat from certain parts of the body to give the body a nicer shape. there are multiple methods for liposuction. some methods are safer than the others. all methods are trying to be gentle on the body but some are more gentle than others. in my clinic in dallas we're trying to practice the methods that we believe are safer than others and provide better skin tightening. we rely on mostly on ultrasound assisted liposuction which is the vaser and a laser assisted liposuction which is the smartlipo. when a patient comes to our office to have liposuction that means that the patient has been prepared already for the procedure and all the explanations and understand we make sure that the patient understands the procedure very well. then when the patient comes on the day of the procedure the patient took already antibiotics if they come to the office we give them some other pills which help provide sedation. there a...
hi def vaser lipo
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liposuction of my abdomen, flanks, waist inner and outer thighs knees and brazilian butt lift they like it they like it a lot they can definitely the last couple weeks you could really see a.... huge difference but your starting to be able to see the changes and my clothes fit me better i had so much extra skin and meat even my kids have said mom your belly looks so much better now but that's fine with me that's great the lipo on my tummy and you did some in my waist i'm tickled to death with everything there's no more spare tire that's the best part everything was tight except for way down here and this roll that wouldn't go away its awesome that i don't have to work as hard i worked so hard and it wouldn't go away now if i get into the same routine it should look like i was when i was 35
hi def vaser lipo cost
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so i eat really well i try to eat organic i see a personal trainer once a week i go for a 5km run probably once a week, so yeah, i'm very active with two young children i just felt that liposuction could just tweak parts that i don't feel i could work on, no matter how many times i go to the gym a week since i've had two children, my stomach probably isn't as flat as what it used to be, so that's probably my main area that, um , you know, i wanted to come to get liposuction but from there , i've kind of tweaked it a bit, and getting a few other parts done as well we're going to enhance her figure by slimming the waist, and the hips, and the abdomen, taking a little bit off the outer thighs, and trimming down the arms a bit we're going to aim for an ideal hour glass shape i'm doing for my own self, so i can feel confident you know, if i going to bali, or going you know just to the beach, i can feel great no not even in bikinis, just in anythin...
hi def vaser lipo arkansas
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ok, so we're going to do a high definitionliposuction of the pectoral area, the lateral thoracic area, the abdomen and the flanksas described and taught by dr. hoyos. so we'll first infiltrate with tumescent solution.we're going to use a vaser machine to emulsify the fat and then we're going to start withthe liposuction.
hd vaser lipo
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liposuction is a medical method where the surgeon is able to remove fat from certain parts of the body to give the body a nicer shape. there are multiple methods for liposuction. some methods are safer than the others. all methods are trying to be gentle on the body but some are more gentle than others. in my clinic in dallas we're trying to practice the methods that we believe are safer than others and provide better skin tightening. we rely on mostly on ultrasound assisted liposuction which is the vaser and a laser assisted liposuction which is the smartlipo. when a patient comes to our office to have liposuction that means that the patient has been prepared already for the procedure and all the explanations and understand we make sure that the patient understands the procedure very well. then when the patient comes on the day of the procedure the patient took already antibiotics if they come to the office we give them some other pills which help provide sedation. there a...
has anyone had vaser lipo
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nightline continues from new york city with cynthia mcfadden, but we're now just 10 day's away from the official startof summer so we're taking a look at the link people going to for that perfect beachbody of course when starting your dietand exercise won't cut it there's always tanning or tightening that old news buteric hong see's a sign of the times in the new length some men are willing togo to to change their shape it's the brass ring a fitness the ultimate mark up hunky-ness the sixpack matthew mcconaughey has one markwahlberg's made this underwear ad famous and samantha'sboyfriend from sex and the city had his plastered on a billboard hey i'mnot even sure the poster does you justice. every guy we see in a magazine they all have six pack abs, everybody see'sall these movie stars sees movies with brad pitt walkingaround with six pack and people i wanna be like ab complete the fastest way to rock out on the pounds many products promis...
does vaser liposuction work
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i'm dr. david. you may recognize mefrom a national tv appearances but im here to talk about somethingreally exciting! it's called vaser lipo. you know we went from theold conventional lipo when i was at a practice in southern california to smartlipo. but the new vaser lipoa uses ultrasound and doesn't carry all the risks in pain that the allconventional lipo sees. you're up and about almost immediatelyand it doesn't require general anesthesia. if you have fat anywhere on your bodythat you don't like someone talk to me personally! you know the consultation is free solet's get you looking terrific! i'm dr. david.
does vaser liposuction really work
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costa rica liposuction are you thinking about havingprofessional and affordable liposuction costa rica liposuction cost do you suffer from localized areas affected by this isthat a disproportionate with the rest of your body are you trying to obtain more definitionare sleek account or in certain areas of you've come to the right placeliposuction surgery sculpt your body eliminating unwanted markets haveexercise and diet resistant fat from the buttocks, hips, love handles, saddle bags, ties kansas, ankles, breasts, back arms and neck. costa rica liposuction is often combined with other procedures to create a desired shape and is one ofthe safest and most popular cosmetic surgery in costa rica i'll talk about your needs with ourspecialized surgeons and find the best solutions for your body visit our website to know more about usare just simply give us a call our team in costa rica is lookingforward to helping you liposuction tummy tuck costa rica liposuction costa rica revi...
does vaser liposuction destroy fat cells
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does vaser lipo work
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i'm dr. david. you may recognize mefrom a national tv appearances but im here to talk about somethingreally exciting! it's called vaser lipo. you know we went from theold conventional lipo when i was at a practice in southern california to smartlipo. but the new vaser lipoa uses ultrasound and doesn't carry all the risks in pain that the allconventional lipo sees. you're up and about almost immediatelyand it doesn't require general anesthesia. if you have fat anywhere on your bodythat you don't like someone talk to me personally! you know the consultation is free solet's get you looking terrific! i'm dr. david.
does vaser lipo reduce cellulite
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do you have stubborn areas of fat or cellulitethat won’t respond to diet and exercise? the georgia dermatology center is pleasedto offer two treatments to re-contour your body. cool lipo laser assisted liposuction is anoutpatient procedure that permanently removes fat and tightens skin on the neck, abdomen,and legs using local anesthesia. velashape is a non-surgical treatment thatsmoothes away cellulite using a unique combination of infrared and radiofrequency energies.
does vaser lipo leave scars
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does vaser lipo kill fat cells
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alicia: so i've got the cool advantage applicator on it's the new 35-minute cool sculpting treatment and it's amazing it's so comfortable almost like it seems like i'm almost half way done i'm going to both sides in just over an hour like an hour 15 minutes dr. zadeh: you're going to be on your back alicia: oh i'm going to be on my back? dr. zadeh: yeah your back is going to be like this so the applicator will be kind of be off to the side okay just tell me where to go or how to do it whatever dr. zadeh: are you comfortable? you look kind of sideways umm. okay i'm like i'm afraid it's gonna fall off but i guess it's not dr. zadeh: well if it falls off now we haven't started the suction alicia: oh yeah it's not. i mean it's fine i think i was making it more uncomfortable you know being in a weird position dr. zadeh: yeah alicia: just laying down its fine dr. zadeh: okay good. it's only 35-minutes this one so you can...
does vaser lipo hurt
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dr. broder: hello, i am dr. lawrence broderm.d., owner and medical director of beliza medical spa with offices in austin and roundrock, tx. i would like to take a few minutes to discuss the smartlipo laser liposuctionprocedure with you and answer the common questions that we are presented with.what is smartlipo laser liposuction? smartlipo refers to a laser that is produced by a companynamed cynosure. what is a laser? a laser is a device that produces a single wavelengthof light. the wavelength of light of the smartlipo machine is designed for specifically the purposeof tightening the skin and melting fat. what is the difference between smartlipo and traditionalliposuction? traditional liposuction usually involves going to the operating room and havinggeneral anesthetic. general anesthesia is usually the riskiest part of the procedure.smartlipo, however, involves the use tumescent anesthesia.the difference is that tumescent anesthesia is administered in the office. this is a locala...
does vaser lipo help tighten akin
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hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel superhourglass. today we are going to discuss: laser assistedliposuction. in this channel, we will discuss everythingyou need to know for you to get the hourglass shape you’ve always wanted. you might have found during your research on liposuction that there are different techniques and machines used to essentially do the same thing, which is to remove excess fats. one of the newest technologies in the market is the laser-assisted liposuction. companies claim you are going to get better results with a laser-assisted liposuction than with any other type of liposuction machine. hype or truth? for starters, what is laser-assisted liposuction? well essentially, a laser-assisted liposuction uses a very small cannula housing a special laser that shoots a laser beam from its tip and melts the fat below the skin while the surgeon moves the cannula in a back and forth motion. manufacturers also claim that you are going ...
does vaser lipo get rid of cellulite
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kim kardashian admitted that she hasa cellulite problem so what she did is went and fixed that problem she a little bitof work done well the first step on the road to cellulite recovery is admitting you have a cellulite problem right uh by the way you know a listener e-mailed usabout this and cellulite doesn't necessarily have anything to do with being overweight,right, okay it's a whole different condition and anybody could have it women are more likely to have it than men uh now that notwithstanding there's no waythat kim kardashian going to have her cellulite removed on tv isn't going to be funnyof course it's gonna be funny so let's check it out god she's gorgeous, ah i can't man she's so pretty and you know this is the way we should watchkardashian without the volume that that that other sisters' kind of cute but the,she is i like the other sister more but the one that's close to us khloe ew it's interesting i wonder why she...